Metastatic breast cancer last year was not enough. Cancerous fluid around my heart, not enough. A global pandemic. Now, shingles. I’m not talking about a new roof here. That would be nice. This is about dormant chicken pox from my childhood getting stirred up and unleashed on my back. I guess when you mess with a body using toxic stuff like chemotherapy crazy things start happening. Boo!
It’s been over a week since the first of four chemo infusions, and overall I’m doing really well. I had some really wonderful, high energy days and some total misery days too. That’s the way it goes. So far, the good days far outweigh the hard ones so I can’t complain. Dare I say that it has been better than I could ask or imagine? It has. I expected far, far worse. There’s still room for worse to arrive but I think it’ll be okay if I can hold my expectations ready for absolutely awful and rejoice when it’s not.
With twelve days until my next infusion, I’ll be even more isolated than usual. I can’t have my beloved and very helpful acupuncture because of the shingles. Bummer. I’ll be okay though. I still get to have Healing Touch. Plus, I do love staying home!