It’s Time


I’m sorry I haven’t written in a while. I’ve been taking care of myself, playing with the kids, gardening and more. There’s been so much more, hasn’t there?  

I was signed up for chemotherapy last week but it didn’t work out. My counts were too low. Apparently it’s pretty common for people taking chemotherapy a 2nd time to need a longer recovery between infusions. Fine. Another week has already passed. 

My counts were good this morning so I have infusion #4 floating around inside me. My body feels different. My stomach is a tiny bit uneasy tonight. I don’t remember it feeling this way. I’m still thinking, it gets easier every time. It can be hard to believe but I’m still trying.

I’ll have a PET/CT scan in three and a half weeks so we can see the impact of the chemotherapy. Because I’m a wild woman hellbent on healing, I’ve been asking for additional infusions. I’d like to do more than knock the cancer down. I want to get rid of it. 

I don't know what it takes to get someone to say I’m in remission but I guess it doesn’t matter. I’m intent on full blast healing that goes beyond all reason. I’m looking toward a lifetime of health, joy, peace and ease. It’s time.




Well Again