

The procedure went well last week. It wasn’t a super fun party time but it’s done. That’s all that really matters. 

Initially, my recovery was a bit of a disappointment. I expected to feel overwhelmed with energy after having nearly a liter of fluid drained from around my heart. I was fine. I was cheerful. I could move around. I just felt mostly...the same. 

Since then, more energy and more Heidi have crept out every day. Sunday, I took the trash out. On the short walk from house to trash bin I found myself swinging the bag of trash. It was fun. Next, I twirled it up over my shoulder, making big circles in the air. It felt good. Without even trying, I was lighthearted. Taking out the trash had never been so nice!

Suddenly, nearly everything is fun! I smile at myself in the mirror for no reason. Paul’s jokes are funnier. The boys are more adorable and wonderful than ever. I am better! It turns out that hauling around an extra liter of fluid in my chest was putting a damper on things. Without it, I feel lighter, brighter, happier and healthier. Suddenly, life is shiny and beautiful again.


On my feet


Into The Wilderness