

I met a rock star two nights ago. Literally. I also met a guy that posts exercise videos on social media, a nurse that loves to laugh, and the sweetest health aid. The people that work at HCMC are totally awesome.

My surgery went very well. I’m improving every day. There are tubes draining fluid from my left lung. They hurt, but I try to stay grateful the drains are there and doing their job. The work of this surgery means I’ll have two stable lungs. I’ll be able to sing and dance and play again! 

There are times in life when gratitude comes pretty easily. This is one of them. My time in the hospital has been such a blessing because of the amazing people here. Love, compassion, good humor, and a genuine willingness to help makes healing easier. Every person I’ve met this week has a heart of gold. Who knew my week in the hospital would brush me up against fame and so many, many shiny hearts?


Whatever I Want

